API Route - Claim

API endpoints

[GET] Get claim details


This API endpoint allows you to get the claim details.

API endpoint :


Json response :

  "Claim": {
    "DateOfLoss": "2023-02-22T15:22:36.5672104Z",
    "ClaimStatus": "1",
    "CaseFileSubStatus": "1901",
    "ClaimDescription": "string",
    "ApprovalStatus": "1,2,3",
    "ProductTypes": "1",
    "ReportedDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:36.5672104Z",
    "TotalExpenseRefund": {
      "Currency": "string",
      "Amount": 10.6
    "ClaimAdjusterFirstName": "string",
    "ClaimAdjusterLastName": "string",
    "ExpensePaidInProcess": {
      "Currency": "string",
      "Amount": 10.6
    "ExpensePaidNotApproved": {
      "Currency": "string",
      "Amount": 10.6
    "ExpenseReserveInProcess": {
      "Currency": "string",
      "Amount": 10.6
    "ExpenseReserveNotApproved": {
      "Currency": "string",
      "Amount": 10.6
    "LossPaidInProcess": {
      "Currency": "string",
      "Amount": 10.6
    "LossPaidNotApproved": {
      "Currency": "string",
      "Amount": 10.6
    "LossReserveInProcess": {
      "Currency": "string",
      "Amount": 10.6
    "LossReserveNotApproved": {
      "Currency": "string",
      "Amount": 10.6
    "CloseReason": "1",
    "ClosedDescription": "string",
    "DeniedDescription": "string",
    "DeniedReasons": "3",
    "NoticeOfOccurrenceOnly": true,
    "AdditionalComments": "string",
    "Policies": [
        "PolicyNumber": "string",
        "EffectiveDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:36.5672104Z",
        "ExpirationDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:36.5672104Z",
        "PolicyStatus": "1",
        "Products": [
            "ProductVersionName": "string"
    "Coverages": [
        "BenefitName": "string",
        "TotalExpensePaid": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "TotalLossPaid": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "TotalRecovery": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "TotalLossRefund": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "TotalCurrentExpenseReserve": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "TotalCurrentLossReserve": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "CauseOfLoss": "1",
        "CatastropheCode": {
          "ExternalCatCode": "string",
          "InternalCatCode": "string"
        "PolicySubscribedCoverageIdentifier": "string"
    "LossLocations": [
        "LossDescription": "string",
        "LossTypeCategory": "string",
        "VIN": "string",
        "VehicleYear": "string",
        "VehicleMake": "string",
        "VehicleModel": "string",
        "BodyType": "9",
        "VehicleOriginalCost": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "LossItemDescription": "string",
        "InsuredItemTechnicalIdentifier": "string",
        "PolicyInsuredItemIdentifier": "string"
    "RelatedParties": [
        "ClaimaintName": "string",
        "Role": "11"
    "ClaimAssignments": [
        "AssignmentBeginning": "2023-02-22T15:22:36.6140856Z",
        "AssignmentEnding": "2023-02-22T15:22:36.6140856Z",
        "AssignmentType": "1",
        "AssignmentNote": "string",
        "ServiceProviderType": "1"
    "ClaimNumber": "string",
    "requesteddocuments": [
        "RequestedDocumentName": "string"
    "Customer": {
      "CustomerNumber": "string"
    "PolicySelectionCriteria": "4",
    "ClaimCauseOfLoss": "1",
    "FacilityName": "string",
    "ListofClaimServicingActorsWhenInternal": [
        "ActorName": "string",
        "EmailSMS": "string",
        "EntityType": "1"
    "MyAddressOfLoss": {
      "AddressLine1": "string",
      "AddressLine2": "string",
      "City": "string",
      "StateProvince": "1",
      "ZipCode": "string"
    "FNOLSubmitter": {
      "FNOLSubmitterFirstName": "string",
      "FNOLSubmitterLastName": "string",
      "FNOLSubmitterEmail": "string",
      "FNOLSubmitterMobilePhone": "string",
      "FNOLSubmitterOfficePhone": "string"
    "FNOLPointOfContact": {
      "PointofContactFirstName": "string",
      "PointofContactLastName": "string",
      "PointofContactEmail": "string",
      "PointofContactMobilePhone": "string",
      "PointofContactOfficePhone": "string"
    "ListofClaimAllLinesofBusiness": [
        "MyPatient": {
          "PatientFirstName": "string",
          "PatientLastName": "string",
          "PatientMiddleName": "string",
          "LDEvent": true,
          "PatientDateofBirth": "2023-02-22T15:22:36.6922182Z",
          "InfoAboutthePatient": "string",
          "NotTheClaimant": true,
          "AlternativeName": "string"

[GET] Get claims for a customer


This API endpoint gets a list of all claims for a customer.

API endpoint :


Json response :

  "Claim": [
      "ClaimNumber": "string",
      "DateOfLoss": "2023-02-22T15:22:37.9111204Z",
      "ClaimDescription": "string",
      "ProductTypes": "1",
      "ReportedDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:37.9111204Z",
      "LossDescriptions": [
          "LossDescription": "string",
          "LossTypeCategory": "string"
      "RelatedParties": [
          "ClaimaintName": "string",
          "Role": "11"
      "Customer": {
        "CustomerNumber": "string"
      "ProductType": "1",
      "ClaimPolicySelection": "4",
      "LossAddress": {
        "Zip": "string",
        "City": "string",
        "State": "1"
      "ClaimStatus": "1"

[GET] Get the list of insured items for a customer when creating a claim


This API endpoint returns the list of insured items for claim creation.

API endpoint :


Json response :

  "CustomerInsuredItems": [
      "IdentifierKey": "string",
      "InsuredItemDescription": "string",
      "InsuredItemNumber": 0

[GET] Get the list of possible policies for a customer when creating a claim


This API endpoint returns the possible policies of the customer for a specific date of loss.

API endpoint :


Json response :

Returns the possible policies of the customer for a specific date of loss