API Route - Policy

API endpoints

[GET] Get list of policies


This API endpoint provides the list of completed policies availables of a customer.

API endpoint:


Json response :

  "ListPolicies": {
    "CustomerNumber": "string",
    "CustomerName": "string",
    "Policies": [
        "PolicyNumber": "string",
        "EffectiveDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:42.489506Z",
        "ExpirationDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:42.489506Z",
        "BillingFrequencyAsLongLabel": "2",
        "PolicyWrittenPremium": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "PolicyPremium": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "CarrierCode": "string",
        "StatusSystemAssigned": "10",
        "MyPolicyNumber": "string",
        "ListOfInsuredItems": [
            "InsuredItemNumber": 0,
            "InsuredItemDescription": "string"
        "ListofAllInsuredItems": [
            "GroupName": "string"
        "Coverages": [
            "CoverageCode": "string",
            "CoverageName": "string",
            "WrittenPremium": {
              "Currency": "string",
              "Amount": 10.6
            "Premium": {
              "Currency": "string",
              "Amount": 10.6
        "PolicyTermAsLongLabel": "1",
        "PolicyTypeAsLongLabel": "1901",
        "QuoteNumber": 0,
        "MyCustomerPaymentInformation": {
          "CardExpirationMonth": "1",
          "CardExpirationYear": "string",
          "CardHolderName": "string",
          "CardNumber": "string",
          "PaymentInformationExternalIdentifier": "string",
          "PaymentType": "1",
          "Name": "string"
        "MyPersonalCustomer": {
          "CustomerPaymentInformationExternalIdentifier": "string",
          "CustomerEmail": "string"
        "VersionNumber": 0
    "NumberOfEmployees": "1"

[GET] Get policy


This API enpoint provides detailed information on a policy.

API endpoint [GET]:


Json response :

  "PolicyJSON": {
    "ListofProductVersion": [
        "ProductVersionName": "string"
    "Process": "1",
    "ExternalQuoteNumber": "string",
    "QuoteNumber": 0,
    "FullNumber": "string",
    "PolicyHolderNumber": "string",
    "PolicyTerm": "1",
    "EffectiveDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:42.6613864Z",
    "ExpirationDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:42.6613864Z",
    "BillingFrequency": "2",
    "InstallmentFrequency": "2,1",
    "MPLPolicyTransaction": "1901",
    "PolicyType": "1901",
    "PolicyTypeAsLongLabel": "1901",
    "MPLPolicyForm": "1901",
    "ListofCoverages": [
        "MyOfferedCoverage": {
          "CoverageName": "string",
          "Description": "string"
        "ExcludeFromCommissions": true,
        "Premium": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "OccurrenceLimit": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "Deductible": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "PerPersonLimit": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "PerAccidentLimit": {
          "Currency": "string",
          "Amount": 10.6
        "ListofLimitsDeductibles": [
            "AmountValue": {
              "Currency": "string",
              "Amount": 10.6
            "LimitDeductibleLabel": "string",
            "DeductibleNames": "string",
            "LimitDeductibleType": "1",
            "LimitDeductibleCategory": "1"
        "IdentifierKey": "string"
    "ListofPolicyVersionsSpecificData": [
    "RequestedDocuments": [
        "IsDocumentUploaded": true,
        "RequestedDocumentName": "string"
    "AllInsuredItemlist": [
        "AllInsuredItemNumber": 0,
        "InsuredItemNumberForTheCategory": 0,
        "ParentNode": {
          "InsuredItemNumberParentNode": 0
        "AllGroupName": "string",
        "FleetGroupName": "string",
        "IdentifierKey": "string"
    "ListofGroupInsuredItems": [
        "MyInsuredCustomer": {
          "RiskCategory": "301",
          "RiskCustomerNumber": "string",
          "RiskName": "string",
          "RestrictedCustomer": true,
          "FirstName": "string",
          "LastName": "string",
          "PersonalCustomer-LicenseType": "1901",
          "CustomerEmail": "string",
          "CustomerCellPhone": "string",
          "WorkPhone": "string"
        "GroupName": "string",
        "MPL-IP-IndividualProviderType": "1901",
        "MPL-IP-IndividualProviderSpecialty": "1941",
        "InsuredItemIcon": "string",
        "IdentifierKey": "string"
    "ListofInsuredItems": [
        "ListofSubInsuredItems": [
            "InsuredVehicleExternalIdentifier": "string",
            "AACustomerNumber": "string"
        "InsuredItemNumber": 0,
        "ClinicInsuredItemNumber": 0,
        "BBGroupName": "string",
        "MyGrpInsuredCustomer": {
          "GrpCustomerNumber": "string"
        "FunctionalIdentifierForWebAPI": "string"
    "ListofExternalServicingActors": [
        "EntityType": "1",
        "CarrierName": "string",
        "CarrierCode": "string"
    "TotalDue": {
      "Currency": "string",
      "Amount": 10.6
    "MPLPolicyRenewalType": "1901",
    "MyCustomerPaymentInformation": {
      "CardExpirationMonth": "1",
      "CardExpirationYear": "string",
      "CardHolderName": "string",
      "CardNumber": "string",
      "PaymentInformationExternalIdentifier": "string",
      "PaymentType": "1"
    "IdentifierKey": "string"

[POST] Create a CRM activity for a policy


This API enpoint adds a document to a policy.

API endpoint :


Json request :

  "GetCRMActivity": {
    "ActivityTitle": "string",
    "IsActivityActive": true,
    "MainFolder": "10",
    "SubFolder": "1901",
    "Note": {
      "ReferenceForWebService": "string",
      "Text": "string",
      "Header": "string",
      "Active": true,
      "Type": "1",
      "Confidential": true
    "Documents": {
      "DocumentTitle": "string",
      "DocumentType": "1901",
      "DocumentSubType": "1907",
      "EffectiveDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:37.2864703Z",
      "ExpirationDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:37.2864703Z",
      "IsRequestedDocument": true,
      "DocumentComment": "string",
      "ImagedDocuments": [
          "DocumentContent": "string",
          "ContentType": "string",
          "FileName": "string",
          "CloudFileURI": "string",
          "FileStorageType": "string"
    "Task": {
      "DueDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:37.3172588Z",
      "TaskCategory": "1",
      "TaskPriority": "1,2,3",
      "TaskType": "1,2,3",
      "ShowTaskDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:37.3172588Z",
      "TaskAssignedUser": {
        "FunctionalIdentifier": "string"
      "TaskName": "string"
    "HasDocument": true,
    "HasEmail": true,
    "HasForm": true,
    "HasNote": true,
    "HasScheduledTask": true

Json response :

  "GetCRMActivity": {
    "CRMActivityIdentifier": "string",
    "ActivityTitle": "string",
    "ActivityObjectDescription": "string",
    "IsActivityActive": true,
    "MainFolder": "10",
    "SubFolder": "1901",
    "Note": {
      "ReferenceForWebService": "string",
      "Text": "string",
      "Header": "string",
      "Active": true,
      "Type": "1",
      "Confidential": true
    "Documents": {
      "DocumentTitle": "string",
      "DocumentType": "1901",
      "DocumentSubType": "1907",
      "EffectiveDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:37.3172588Z",
      "ExpirationDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:37.3172588Z",
      "IsRequestedDocument": true,
      "DocumentComment": "string",
      "ImagedDocuments": [
          "ContentType": "string",
          "FileName": "string",
          "CloudFileURI": "string",
          "FileStorageType": "string"
    "Task": {
      "DueDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:37.3172588Z",
      "TaskCategory": "1",
      "TaskPriority": "1,2,3",
      "TaskType": "1,2,3",
      "ShowTaskDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:37.3172588Z",
      "TaskAssignedUser": {
        "AssignedUserID": "string"
      "TaskName": "string",
      "TaskCloseDateTime": "2023-02-22T15:22:37.3172588Z"
    "HasDocument": true,
    "HasEmail": true,
    "HasForm": true,
    "HasNote": true,
    "HasScheduledTask": true

[GET] Get list of forms for a policy


This API endpoint provides the list of subscribed forms for policy versions, that are active during the provided term if a term is provided. If no term is provided the API will consider the latest term. The policy term is its renewal number (0 for new business, 1 for first renewal, etc…).

API endpoint :


Json response :

  "PolicyFormsForTerm": [
      "PolicyNumber": "string",
      "ListofForms": [
          "FormName": "string",
          "FormNumber": "string",
          "IdentifierKey": "string",
          "CreationDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:43.8020975Z",
          "EffectiveDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:43.8020975Z",
          "TransactionType": "1",
          "SubType": "1"

[POST] Generate an up to date form for a policy (typically a certificate of insurance)


This API endpoint adds a form to a policy.

API endpoint :


Parameter request :

policyNumber 	         string 	Number that identifies the policy for which to be generate the form

formNumber 	             string 	Number that identifies the form to be generated

contractVersionNumber 	 integer 	Version number of the policy. If not provided, then the last version of the policy will be used

Json response :

  "GeneratedPolicyForm": {
    "FormName": "string",
    "MyGeneratedPDF": {
      "DocumentDataStorage": "string"

[GET] Get the invoices for a policy


This API endpoint gets the invoices for a policy.

API endpoint :


Json response :

  "Bill": [
      "BillStatus": "4",
      "PolicyNumber": "string",
      "BillNumber": "string",
      "DueDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:35.3952515Z",
      "InvoiceDueAmount3": "string",
      "PolicyBalanceDueWithDueDate": {
        "Currency": "string",
        "Amount": 10.6
      "InvoiceDueAmount": "string",
      "MyLatestInvoiceForm": {
        "FormName": "string",
        "CloudFileURI": "string"
      "MyLatestInvoiceExcelDocument": {
        "ListofImagedDocuments": [
            "FileName": "string",
            "ExcelCloudFileURI": "string"

[GET] Get policy due amount


This API endpoint gets policy due amount.

API endpoint :


Json response :

  "Bill": {
    "PolicyBalanceDueUptoTheDueDate": {
      "Currency": "string",
      "Amount": 10.6
    "DueDate": "2023-02-22T15:22:35.9734186Z",
    "BillDueAmount": {
      "Currency": "string",
      "Amount": 10.6
    "BillNumber": "string",
    "BillDueCurrency": "1"